Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The inauguration of Barack Obama

On Tuesday, January 20, 2009 the United States experienced their new president Barack Obama. This inauguration was one to remember because he made history by being the first black president. He wasn't the only one that was sworn in that day. Joe Biden was chosen to be his running mate and because Obama won, he became the Vice President of the United States. Now George W Bush and Dick Cheney are out of the white house, the question is, who will do a better job at being president and vice president of the United States?

Firstly, the first thing Obama plans on doing once he is in office is shutting down Guantanamo Bay. Then, Obama still wants to keep U.S. troops in Iraq for the sixteen more months. On top of that, when Biden came back from Afghanistan and told Obama," The truth is that things are going to get tougher in Afghanistan before they're going to get better." With that in mind, Obama thinks that he can win in Afghanistan, which defies what everyone believes. I think that Obama will be able to undo what Bush did and make America better again. All in all, Barack and Biden have big plans for the United States.

The terrible economy is what many believe is all Bush's fault. All of the messes Bush created, he left for Obama to fix. The war in Iraq and the economy are the most famous messes Bush and Cheney created. Bush kept on sending troops to Iraq for years and we got no where. Most important, he was the president when we got the terrible economy that we have now. As a result,he left millions of citizens without a job. I think that Bush didn't do as good of a job that he should of done, and he dug America into a deep hole that would be hard to get out of.

In my opinion, the inauguration of Barack Obama was marvelous. After all, me and millions of other people saw history in the making. I think that Barack Obama and Joe Biden will do marvelous at leading the country and do better than Bush and Cheney. Out with old and in with new is a good way of saying we need a new president in my opinion. Finally, I think having Obama as president will do wonders for America, and like he said, "It's time for a change."

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