Tuesday, February 26, 2008


In science class, we did a lab called the popping fun. In this lab we had to try to make a cork hit the window using baking soda and vinegar. We had to measure the baking soda and vinegar in graduated cylinders. Next, you would record your measurements on a table and wait to be called on. When Mrs. Roussae calls on you, one person holds the test-tube filled with baking soda or vinegar and the other person poors the baking soda or vinegar into the test tube. The person holding the test tube swifshoottly puts the cork on. Then, you wait for the cork to shoot of the test tube and hopefully hit the window. Soon after, you measure the that the cork went ( if it went at all) and record it onto a table and try to make the cork hit the window. Finally, when your done with one or two attempts, you make a conclusion on whats better, more baking soda or vinegar.

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