Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Use of Steroids in the MLB

The use of steroids in the MLB is a very serious thing. Many loved players like Andy Pettitte, Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds are accused of taking steroids. Steroids are performance enhancing drugs that make people stronger. By stronger I mean faster, hitting more homeruns and throwing unhitable pitches. The steroid use has been going on for a while, but this year it has gotten very serious. Bud Selig( the commisioner of baseball ) has made a 409 page list of players that possibly took steroids. Bud wanted to prove they took steroids by having blood and urine test. With the use of these illegal steroids, players can break records that hall of famers set. Bud Serlig has made the use of steroids very serious, and that is why the use of steroids is very serious in theMLB.