Thursday, May 21, 2009

Response Blog to October Sky

A while back, me and at least 100-140 young men and women experienced the thrill of watching, "October Sky". This fascinating and true story was about a teenager named Homer, a son of a coal miner, living in a small coal mining town. In the beginning, a satellite named the Sputnik, created and launched by the Russians came into view for a brief moment in time. As soon as the Sputnik was in sight, Homer knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to build a rocket. Firstly, Homer had to build a model rocket, and with the help of his friends and fellow town people, he succeeded. At first, Homer thought it would be easier than it was, but he was wrong. To start things off, in order to make a model rocket that would launch with success, math would be a key factor. Math was key to making a rocket because it would help Homer find the right amount of power that would be needed to launch the rocket and the extra parts he would ultimately need to add as well. Also, science was involved too. Science was used so Homer can use a substance that wouldn't be too heavy, and would also have to ignite. On top of that, Homer was accused of starting a fire by the sheriff because the sheriff assumed that since he and his friends were launching rockets, that they started the fire. Consequently, Homer had to go work in the mines with his father, who was already furious that Homer was making rockets instead of working in the mines with him! Working in the mines was an extremely dangerous and possibly deadly job. Firstly, you can die by inhaling too much dust that's floating in the mines or, if the entire coal mine collapses. As stated before, Homer used math to calculate the trajectory of the rocket and where it would land. Homer realised that he didn't start the fire but a flare from a nearby airport was carried in a zephyr and started the fire. Ultimately, Homer ended up working for NASA and helped them design a rocket ship. Later, he retired from NASA and became an author and wrote about his challenges. This movie was not only great, but it was also inspiring. It made me think that if Homer, a boy from a small coal mining town, accomplished a goal that great, so can I. Finally, the movie,"October Sky" was a great and powerful movie, and I think that everyone should watch it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Response Blog to Sickle Cell Anemia xD

Recently, I have learned about a horrible and common disease that's on planet Earth, sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia was acknowledged by Africans in the 1870s but, the first patient was known in Chicago Illinois in 1904. Having this disease means that your blood cells are in the sickle shape. According to the publisher, you become malaria prone but, your life span is 42 years for a man and 48 for a woman. This blog was very clear about what sickle cell anemia is, what it can do and who it can effect. I feel so sad for the people with this terrible and incurable disease. Finally, this disease is terrible and anyone with this disease, I feel bad for them.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tay Sachs Disease =(

There is a terrible disease that is on Earth, and it is known as Tay Sachs disease. This disease was discovered by Warren Tay, a British opthamologist, who described the red spot on the retina in 1881. As you may know, the symptoms for Tay Sachs is a "cherry -red" spot in the retina( or the back of the eye). Infants with Tay Sachs disease can become blind, deaf and unable to swallow because of nerve cells becoming distended with gangliosides, a relentless deterioration of mental and physical abilities occur. Muscles begin to atrophy and paralysis set in. Finally, death occurs at the age of 4. Also, it's rare if a juvenile gets it(2-10 years) and develop speech and swallowing difficulties and spasticity. Then, they usually die between 5-15 years old. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this fatal disease. Infants mortality rate is 4, juveniles 5-15 and adults is 20s to early 30s. 1 out of every 250 people will develope Tay Sachs disease and 16 in the U.S. will develop it too. Mostly, it's more common in Jewish people because of their origin. 95% of Ashkenazi Jews are carriers. Tay Sachs occur when the absence of a vital enzyme called hexosaminidase A. It's the absence of Hex-A(hexosaminidase A), a fatty substance or lipid called GM2 ganglioside accumulates abnormally in cells, especially in the nerve cells of a brain. This ongoing accumulation results in ongoing damage to the cells. Worst of all, absolutely nothing can treat it nor cure it. In my opinion, more people internationally should become aware about Tay Sachs disease. Also, more fundraisers for Tay Sachs research should take place to try to find a cure for this cure less disease. This disease takes too many lives, and we(the people of the United States and people of other countries around the world)need to put our differences aside and find a cure.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cool Fish!

At the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, researchers have solved the mystery of a rare fish. This fish isn't any ordinary fish, this fish has tubular eyes and a transparent head. Ever since they found this fish in 1939, marine biologist have known that its magnificent eyes are great at collecting light. What makes it awkward, is that the fish lives in a pitch black environment! The fish was named the"barreleye"because of the shapes of its eyes. The fishes eyes provide a "tunnel-vision" view of everything directly above its head. The eyes on this mysterious fish can rotate inside the fishes head through a transparent shield. Thus, it allows the fish to peer up at potential prey, or focus on its food. In my opinion, this fish probably looks around like it has eyes like us. All in all, this fish is mysterious and and to solve a mystery a fish like this, they deserve kudos.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Iran is ready to test a nuclear power plant (S.S.)

Iran's first nuclear power plant will undergo testing in front of Russian and Iranian officials. During the testing, they plan to use "dummy" fuel rods without enriched uranium and are planing to test all the plant's systems. ISNA quoted Khazaneh, a former adviser to the IAEO(Iran's Atomic Energy Organization) saying,"then the next tests, with fuel rods containing enriched uranium, will take place near the end of 2009". Numerous countries, including the United States, are concerned that Iran are going to use the nuclear power plant to make nuclear weapons but, Iran says its for peaceful purpose's. On top of that, countries are primarily concerned because Iran has enough uranium to create a nuclear bomb. All in all, Iran wants to use the nuclear power plant for peace and not to make a nuclear bomb.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Amazingly BIG SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

Scientist in Columbia have unearthed the remains of perhaps the biggest snake that lived on Earth. They named this snake insane snake Titanoboa cerrejonensis. The scientist say that the snake would've weighed 2,500 pounds and would be 42.7 feet from head to tail, but it would also come up to your hips! Supposedly, the snake lived on Earth 58 to 60 million years ago. In order for a snake that big to live, the average temperature in its habitat would have to be 91 degrees Fahrenheit. In my opinion, I would not like to be around if that snake shows its head again. Most importantly, with the information that the scientist provided, I believe a snake of that size would've been able to be alive on Earth. Finally, Columbia's scientist discovering that massive snakes inhabited Earth and I believe they did too.